ICSD is a database of inorganic materials operated by FIZ Karlsruhe, containing more than 260,000 crystal stru…続きを読む
Igor Pro
Igor Pro, developed by WaveMetrics, is a software for data analysis and graph creation, offering a wide range …続きを読む
ImageJ is an open-source, Java-based image processing software developed by the National Institutes of Health …続きを読む
Iqspr is a library that can generate new organic compounds with desired physicochemical properties. Based on a…続きを読む
Kinzoku is a database of tensile, creep, creep rupture, and fatigue properties of metals, as well as their den…続きを読む
M-DaC is a tool that automatically extracts measurement data, such as experimental conditions and material inf…続きを読む
Magndata is a database designed for managing and sharing magnetic structure data, used by crystallography and …続きを読む
Mapie is a Python package compatible with Scikit-learn. It provides conformal prediction methods for quantifyi…続きを読む
Materials Project
Materials Project is a database site for computational information on known and predicted inorganic materials.…続きを読む
Matlantis is an atomic-level simulator based on the cutting-edge Neural Network Potential (NNP), incorporating…続きを読む