Expasy (Expert Protein Analysis System) is a web portal operated by the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics,…read more
List of DB/tools
Figshare is a data repository for publishing articles, figures, datasets, etc. Although it is not limited to t…read more
Fireworks is an open-source code for defining, managing, and executing workflows such as high throughput compu…read more
FLARE (Fast Learning of Atomistic Rare Events)
The code is intended to create machine learning interatomic potentials based on the Gaussian Process Technique…read more
Fluent is a general-purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software equipped with a variety of physical mo…read more
HALCON is a comprehensive software package for industrial image processing, developed by MVTec Software GmbH i…read more
ICSD is a database of inorganic materials operated by FIZ Karlsruhe, containing more than 260,000 crystal stru…read more
Igor Pro
Igor Pro, developed by WaveMetrics, is a software for data analysis and graph creation, offering a wide range …read more
ImageJ is an open-source, Java-based image processing software developed by the National Institutes of Health …read more
Iqspr is a library that can generate new organic compounds with desired physicochemical properties. Based on a…read more