COMPARED (COMPutation ARchive of Exact Diagonalization) is a database that stores exhaustive calculation resul…read more
List of DB/tools
CompES-X is a database of electronic structure data. CompES-X is included in the MatNavi materials database pr…read more
CompoTherm is a system that can predict the thermophysical properties of composite materials. By specifying th…read more
CrysAlisPro is a software provided by Rigaku Oxford Diffraction for collecting, processing, and analyzing sing…read more
CrySPY is an open-source software for searching stable crystal structures. By only giving the composition of t…read more
Crystallography Open Database (COD)
Crystallography Open Database (COD) is an open-access database of crystal structures of organic, inorganic, an…read more
DBKERO (Database of Kashiwa Encyclopedia for Researches of multi-Omics data) is an advanced bioinformatics dat…read more
Dryad is an open repository for sharing project data for any research area and file formats. DOIs are automati…read more
Expasy (Expert Protein Analysis System) is a web portal operated by the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics,…read more
Figshare is a data repository for publishing articles, figures, datasets, etc. Although it is not limited to t…read more