ChEMBL is a comprehensive database of biologically active compounds, serving as a crucial resource in drug dis…read more
List of DB/tools
ChIP-Atlas is an open-access database that integrates and visualizes publicly available ChIP-seq (Chromatin Im…read more
COMPARED (COMPutation ARchive of Exact Diagonalization) is a database that stores exhaustive calculation resul…read more
CompES-X is a database of electronic structure data. CompES-X is included in the MatNavi materials database pr…read more
CompoTherm is a system that can predict the thermophysical properties of composite materials. By specifying th…read more
CrysAlisPro is a software provided by Rigaku Oxford Diffraction for collecting, processing, and analyzing sing…read more
CrySPY is an open-source software for searching stable crystal structures. By only giving the composition of t…read more
Crystallography Open Database (COD)
Crystallography Open Database (COD) is an open-access database of crystal structures of organic, inorganic, an…read more
DBKERO (Database of Kashiwa Encyclopedia for Researches of multi-Omics data) is an advanced bioinformatics dat…read more
Dryad is an open repository for sharing project data for any research area and file formats. DOIs are automati…read more